The Solid Gut System
Digestive Healing Program

If you secretly suffer from urgency or chronic diarrhea, you’ll want to keep reading…

Does this sound familiar?

You’re physically drained from going #2 several times a day.

Sometimes it’s so urgent you barely make it to the bathroom! 

You’re often so exhausted that it’s hard to get out of bed and get through your day with a smile.  

You’re afraid to leave the house because you’ll have to go #2 and won’t have quick access to a bathroom.  

You’ve tried anti-diarrhea medications, but even they don’t help! (side note: they’re actually making it worse!)  

Your doctor has told you the only solution is expensive, and damaging medications that may not be effective long-term.  

I get it. It’s embarrassing. It’s draining your quality of life and you’re ready for things to change.
What if I told you it doesn’t have to be this way? That things CAN change…starting now.

That it IS possible to…

Regain the energy that chronic diarrhea has stolen from you.

End the anxiety around eating out, public events, travel, and the relationship struggles that abnormal bathroom issues create.

Help you heal without damaging drugs, surgery, or difficult diets.

Heal your leaky gut, restore your mental sharpness, and begin living the life you deserve.

My plan will get you there, and it’s easier than you may think.

How do I know? I’ve been there. I’ve healed without damaging medications and so can you!

When you have a health mentor who understands what you are going through, it makes a difference. Dr. Troy knows my goals, and is an inspiring and encouraging guide, whose recommendations are in balance with my own view on nutrition. I greatly appreciate his positive support and open-mindedness.

— Jean M. - Registered Dietician; Louisville, KY

My story

I’m Dr. Troy Willis, and I’m confident I can help you resolve your digestive problems, just as I’ve resolved both my own and many client’s bowel issues.

You see, I struggled with painful stomach problems for years and was eventually diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease in my early twenties. I followed my doctor’s orders for years only to get more and more sick.

I tried multiple medications, but none helped for very long. I tried fad diets, sad diets, pills and potions—you name it, I’ve probably tried it…or at least read the book.

But I finally discovered the “formula” for true healing. I’m here to pass that wisdom on to you, to save you the struggle I went through and simplify your path to great health

 I know what it’s like to suffer day in and day out. To be physically drained and scared to leave the house. But I took action and I reclaimed my life! How did I do it? Here’s how.

Introducing…The Solid Gut System.

The Solid Gut System is my proprietary digestive healing protocol. It’s designed to finally give YOU control over your digestive issues, not the other way around.

Who does the Solid Gut System help?

Anyone who suffers from:

frequent diarrhea
bowel urgency
other digestive concerns

Anyone who’s been diagnosed with:
Crohn’s Disease
Ulcerative Colitis
IBD (Irritable Bowel Disease)
IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome

What exactly is the Solid Gut System?

It’s a multi-step plan with a personalized approach and small group support to help you heal your gut so you experience symptom relief AND life-long healing.   It’s custom designed specifically for you and your unique situation.

1. Direct 1 on 1 Consults - quality time with me, Dr. Troy Willis. You’ll have time to share your story, helping get to the root of your problems so that I can give you expert guidance without overwhelm.  

2. Advanced testing - provides customized diet recommendations based on results from your Food Inflammation Test and personal history. The foundation of the program and your own “blueprint” for healing!  

3. Gut Healing Supplements - the right ones- for you specifically! No more scouring the internet, cheap knockoffs, conflicting reports, etc. No more wasting time and money on supplements that aren’t right.  

4. Lifestyle direction - real life tools to make healthy habits easy,  Access to my Rapid Relief Plan AND my Bounce Back Plan will even get you back on track if you slip (I ain’t perfect - I even eat birthday cake!)

“I had been looking for natural approaches for Crohn’s disease and as luck would have it, I met Dr. Troy at a Crohn’s & Colitis event. Since I’ve started at Live Well my disease has gotten progressively better, thanks to all the wisdom and insights from Dr. Troy. He’s always willing and excited to share what he’s found helpful to treat inflammation and digestion. I love that he’s open to new ideas and treatments and completely open minded about natural healthcare. Troy is always willing to educate and guide you to live a better healthier lifestyle. I’ve learned to manage my Crohn’s through diet and lifestyle changes with his reassurance and inspiration. I believe it’s because I found a doctor like him, that I am able to manage Crohn’s Disease without medication.”
— Misty B.~ Louisville, KY

What results can you expect from the program?

Reduced urgency and symptoms quickly.

Renewed energy to live every day to its fullest.

Gain control by learning the “levers” you can pull to quickly right your ship when you get off track.

Learn your specific trigger foods, where they may be hiding, and how to avoid them.

Regained confidence to live life on YOUR terms.

No more anxiety eating out or during social events.

The Solid Gut System (90 day digestive program)



How it works

1.You complete a Personal Health Evaluation
Through all the right questions and history, we will uncover the likely cause of your symptoms, reveal personality traits that help in our success, and provide insight into potential pitfall areas.  

2. You receive a mailed kit with specific supplements, test kits, etc.
 I provide advanced Food Inflammation Testing that incorporates your blood type to identify your unique eating issues.  I’ll interpret the results and advise the ideal supplements for both quick relief and long-term healing.   Everyone is different.  Your customized supplements plan will be specifically chosen for YOU and are included in the program cost.  

3. You get weekly private 1:1 sessions (call or Zoom):
Review of Personal Health Evaluation
Review mailed Testing Kit and Supplements
Review test results and delivery a personal action plan
Weekly check-ins for guidance and support

4. Unlimited support  
You’ll have unlimited access to me throughout the entire 90-day program via email and our online communication portal with a personal promise of a 24-hour reply.

5.  Unlimited access to our easy to use online portal
Access to Practice Better, which provides an easy one-stop place to snap a pic of your meals, send me a message, schedule your times, receive educational modules sent to you automatically, etc. 

Why the Solid Gut System?

I have personal experience with the same issues you do.  I have figured out the magic formula and I know how to help you implement it.  Bottom line…my program works!

The best (most relevant and most comprehensive) Personal Health Evaluation to get to the bottom (no pun intended!) of the cause of your symptoms.

The right tests, interpreted by me to make eating easy on you.

Everyone is different - you get customized supplements plan specifically chosen for you.

Proven methods I’ve developed to conquer your mind and balance your gut for better control of your symptoms.

This is not a “quick-fix” or fad diet…this is a customized blueprint that helps you live symptom-free for a lifetime.

“Just about everyone has had or currently has digestion issues, due to our food choices and mixed advice lingering out there. Dr. Troy has not only helped me, but I’ve witnessed him help many patients over the years! He knows the right questions to ask, and has a solution for everyone, even though we are all different.”
— Sarah B. - Olympia, WA

Next session enrollment coming ASAP

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specific issue?
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Looking for the best supplements to heal your digestive issues?

Don’t worry! I’ve got you covered!

I’ve spent a lot of years and a ton of money trying them all and I’m sharing the ten best here!